Health & Wellness Habits | Surgery Center of Winter Park
At the Surgery Center of Winter Park, we are committed to excellence in healthcare. Our physicians want to remind you of the importance of staying healthy. There are many healthy habits that you can adopt in order to promote wellness in your daily life.
Continue reading this blog to learn more about how to sleep, consistent physical activity, staying happy and a healthy diet can help you live a healthier lifestyle.
The first of these habits is developing a healthy, consistent sleep pattern. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), It is recommended that adults get an average of 7 hours of sleep each day. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule as irregular sleep patterns allow your body to become more susceptible to obesity, hypertension, and elevated blood sugar. Efficient sleep will promote good memory function, attention, and cognitive flexibility.
You can also be conscientious of your alcohol intake. Alcohol in moderation is okay, however, too much is never good. High alcohol consumption will negatively affect key organs of your body such as your liver, heart, pancreas, and brain. It will also make you age faster because it depletes your body of essential vitamins and rapidly decreases your collagen levels.
Staying active is another way you can stay healthy. You incorporate this into your daily life by going on walks, doing yoga, or playing a sport. When you have someone to stay active with it becomes easy, mindless. Your body only needs a minimum of 15 minutes of exercise each day. Not being active and having a sedentary lifestyle will increase the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer, osteoporosis, and more.
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will also allow you to stay very healthy and even promote longevity of life. Fruits and vegetables are very rich in vitamins and minerals and fiber. It is also known to even lower your blood pressure and lower the risk of having digestive problems.
Whole-grain foods are very rich in nutrients such as vitamin B. Vitamin B is important as it breaks down carbohydrates in your body, as well as, help to transport other nutrients throughout your body.
As a Joint Commission-accredited facility, SCWP is committed to providing the best patient care, treatment, and services to ensure your experience is hassle-free and seamless. Aside from our compassionate and skilled physicians, our outpatient concierge and pre-operating nurses are known for their willingness to go the extra mile through their empathetic and detail-oriented care.
Being healthy is not just about your physical health but also about your emotional and mental health. You can live healthier by choosing yourself and listening to what makes you feel happy.
Managing stress is another important factor in your life whether it comes from work, family, school, friends, or significant others. You can do this by being aware of your emotions and even reactions to conversations or events will allow starting understanding.
Surgery Center of Winter Park (SCWP) is here to provide you with quality, affordable and convenient healthcare. Give us a call at 321-282-0561 or email us at to learn about our outpatient center and the procedures we offer.