How to Set Yourself Up for Healthy Living in 2023

You may have set goals for yourself in the past to lose weight, be more conscious of your daily routine, or overall just want to live a healthier lifestyle. Then, the days fly by and you may feel like you have not made much progress or are making the same unhealthy decisions as you did the year prior.

So what’s missing - what is the missing force in sticking to your health and wellness goals that allow you to transcend your lifestyle?

You are most likely missing a clear plan of action to help get you there. Surgery Center of Winter Park is here to provide you with tips on how to maintain your health goals and stay on track to living the life you desire. 

According to the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI), humanity could gain 45 billion more years of high-quality life within the next decade - about six years per person on average, and many more in some countries.

This theory was built on a scenario-based simulation that measured three effects: extending life expectancy, reducing lifetime spent in poor health, and reducing lifetime spent in moderate rather than good health. Keeping a healthy lifestyle in mind will make you more conscious of your actions. 

A father moving his body by playing with his kids.
  1. Check the Ingredients: Oftentimes we just move through the day consuming beauty products, drinks, supplements, and different types of food that we believe are ‘good’ for us because maybe they are being marketed that way, or maybe you are unaware of the ingredients.

    Do not let the labels fool you! It is extremely important to be more aware of what we are putting into our bodies every day as these ingredients contribute to our energy levels, the presence of skin, and even could potentially lead to harmful diseases such as cancer. Products that are highly processed, have high sodium, ‘natural flavor’, refined grains, or hydrogenated oils are not the best for you. This is the same for hair/skincare and cleaning products around the house - the more toxins we are exposed to the more at risk our health is.

  2. Make a Balanced Grocery List and Write Down Your Meals For The Week: This is something that is super easy to incorporate into your routine and it often gets overlooked. By prepping your grocery list and planning your meals for each day of the week you will be able to save money and time by not spending on meals out for lunch or dinner. This will also allow you to be more mindful of the ingredients you are consuming and allow you to stay more aligned with your health goals.

  3. Move Your Body: Make it a priority to move your body every day. It does not matter what you do - could be a walk outside, a low-impact fitness workout at home, or going to a yoga class. You should try to carve out time in your schedule that you can keep consistent every day. Whether that is in the morning at 5 AM, mid-day, or after your work day is over. This will allow you to create a consistent habit of moving your body and prioritizing your health. 

  4. Stay Hydrated: Did you know that approximately 75% of all Americans are living in dehydration?! That is absolutely crazy to think about. It can be difficult to remember to be drinking enough water every day but you can do things like setting an alarm on your phone to remind yourself or drinking a sip of water every time you go to pick up your phone to scroll through social media. You can also get a water bottle that is marked with times to drink throughout the day - like this one on Amazon!

There are so many different ways you can incorporate health into your everyday lifestyle and these are just a few. Get the healthy kick you've been craving by starting with some of our tips. Surgery Center of Winter Park wants you to feel your best self and live a long, healthy life. If you or a loved one is looking for more support - convenient, quality, and affordable healthcare solutions or need a procedure. Contact our center today at 321-282-0561 or


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