Laser Spine Surgery | Surgery Center of Winter Park Procedures

At Surgery Center of Winter Park, we provide outpatient surgical procedures that are safe, cost-effective, and take into account time as well. SCWP specializes in spine surgery, orthopedic surgery/procedures, and pain management.

Doctor pointing at a spinal skeleton

At the Surgery Center of Winter Park, laser spine surgery is one of the various procedures performed by our world-renowned surgeons. The latest advancement in technology and resources has enabled laser spine surgery to offer many benefits. In this blog, SCWP will provide you with more insight into this type of procedure and what the benefits are.

Terminology and Benefits of Laser Spine Surgery

Did you know that the term ‘laser’ stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?" Instead of using surgical instruments, lasers are used to make incisions which result in a shorter recovery time and a significant decrease in scarring. That is just one of the many benefits. Read below for a list of others:

  • The Length of Procedure

  • Less Blood Loss in Comparison to Other Spine Procedures

  • Reduced Risk of Damage to the Muscles

  • Reduced Risk of Infection

According to Mayo Clinic, patients with focal spinal degeneration surgery will understand that it is an intimidating prospect. Experiencing significant pain and blood loss, as well as hospitalization for three to four days, is typical. However, forgoing surgery can mean living with pain and possibly disability so it is best to defer to a treatment that is minimally invasive.

A specialist may recommend laser spine surgery to someone if fusion is not one of the treatments recommended or if there are multiple incisions required to treat the existing injury. You may be advised to undergo Percutaneous Cervical Disc Nucleoplasty, Percutaneous Laser Discoplasty, or Rhizotomy by one of our licensed specialists.

Doctor and patient talking about the spine

Dr. Michael Gleiber M.D., explains that minimally invasive spine surgery aims to reduce blood loss, pain, and recovery time by minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues. To accomplish this, an operating microscope or endoscope is used to view the spine's structures through smaller incisions. The surgeon will insert the endoscope into one small incision, and the scalpel and other operating instruments are inserted into another small incision. The muscles in the back run vertically, so the muscles are separated along the natural muscle planes to gain access to the spine. 

At Surgery Center of Winter Park, it is our mission to provide you with the utmost care. We are confident that our knowledgeable and highly trained staff are able to treat your pain with ease, such as Dr. Michael Thomas M.D.. Dr. Thomas is a researcher, neurosurgeon, and orthopedic surgeon who practices at Surgery Center of Winter Park and specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery. He has been in practice since 1997 and is often referred to as a patient-focused and conscientious professional by his patients and colleagues. 

Do you have more questions about laser spine surgery or are still wondering if it is the right procedure for you? You can give us a call at 321-282-0561 or email us at to obtain additional information about laser spine surgery and the other procedures we offer at Surgery Center of Winter Park.


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