SCWP Emphasizes the Importance of Mental/Physical Health and How You Can Manage Both

Two elderly grandparents smiling

The Surgery Center of Winter Park wants you to stay feeling your best at all times. In our busy day-to-day lives, it is sometimes difficult to prioritize your needs and show up for yourself. However, it is not impossible, and we are here to help. There are a variety of ways you can efficiently manage your health both mentally and physically. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can take charge of your health this year, continue reading to learn our best practices.

Importance of Mental/Physical Health

When it comes to feeling your best mentally it is important to listen to yourself and your needs.  Keeping your mental health in check has a direct effect on your physical health, and understanding how to do so will help you minimize health risks and prevent them from worsening. It is important to understand how these things are connected. Many people do not realize why they are having health issues when they are physically active. According to the CDC, one in every five people who are diagnosed with arthritis also reports that they experience symptoms of anxiety or depression. 

Therefore, it is vital to be aware of your mental state and release those inner endorphins that are causing you stress and anxiety. Did you know that practicing mindfulness and remaining positive can allow you to experience reduced pain?

You can do this by:

A group of senior citizen smiling and swimming in a group activity class
  • writing down your thoughts

  • setting intentions each day

  • reciting affirmations

  • seeking professional advice

  • meditating

  • or even, getting a massage

Furthermore, physical health is just as important as your mental health. We will examine several of the different aspects of managing your physical health and show examples. Exercise is another, well-known way, that you can release endorphins – take the edge off and boost your mood.

A few ways you can do this is by:

  • running

  • taking a workout class

  • swimming

  • hiking

  • yoga.

It is important to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine to prevent injuries or risks from worsening. As suggested by professionals, you should allow at least 10 minutes of activity each day to achieve better health. Unlike your other muscles, the abs and back do not receive enough exercise during a normal day, therefore, it is important to recognize and focus on all muscle groups. For instance, performing core exercises frequently and maintaining good posture can significantly reduce or prevent back pain. 

A group of elders walking, smiling, and talking

A little goes a long way – work to include a few of these practices in your everyday routine and you will begin to feel better and look better. The best time to adopt new habits and new routines is now. Join the movement with the Surgery Center of Winter Park by showing up for yourself today and every day. 

Are you still having trouble managing your mental and physical health? Have you tried our recommended practices? If you are experiencing any prolonged pain, contact Surgery Center of Winter Park by calling 321-282-0561 or You can also visit our physician’s page to learn more about the physicians who operate our center. We are here to help you achieve your healthiest self.


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